The purpose of this project was to begin planning our music application. Before going any further in designing the actual application, we needed to create personas to think about who would be using the app and how they would be using it. It was also very important to develop our app's user flow by sketching out all the necessary flows and pages to view the overall functionality of the app and make connections. The next step was to map our the user flows using low-fidelity wireframes.
User personas were created in order to understand and narrow down the targeted audience and their needs. Having the personas be of different ages, ethnicities, backgrounds and having different music tastes helped to expand on unique features the app could have. I was able to zero in on a specific consumer background and cater to alternative music listeners of different era's and age groups.

Napkin Sketches
The user flow of all the pages for the Ghost music app was planned out through napkin sketches using the competitor's user flow as a reference. How each page connects was considered as well as what each action does. This is a very important step before diving into any visual design.
Key Flows of the Ghost App
- Social aspect to music app where you can create posts and send messages
- Events page where you can check out events that your favorite artists may be part of
- Pin songs to your profile for other's to see what your favorite at the moment is

After the napkin sketches for each user flow, the flows were all turned into medium-fidelity wireframes, only using a greyscale and simple shapes and some type to first focus on the functionality of the app. This helped figure the main and most important features and helped understand how each page connects with one another. This step is essential before finalizing the design and branding with colors, type, and content.