Local Latinx App

Let This App Be Your Guide.

An App for all Things Latinx in San Diego.

PROJECT TYPE: Typography           YEAR OF COMPLETION: 2019           DURATION: 5 weeks


The Local Latinx guide needed an app to accompany it, so that it could be more accessible by people at different times and places. The app needed to offer something that the guide couldn't so that it would be worth having access to interactivity. It needed to explore something that paper isn't capable of doing. It needed to carry the brand elements that the guide does, but adapted for a mobile platform.


The Local Latinx app is your pocket guide to uncovering the true diversity of San Diego. Through the app you can check out reviews, user uploaded content, featured places and events, navigate the map and even upload your own content. Local Latinx is a great way to remain updated on all things Latinx in your area, from trending places to current and upcoming events. Its color palette features magenta, yellow, black and white throughout it paired with the welcoming Andes type family. Visually connecting it back to the guide also.

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